My Life as God’s Garden

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Maintaining the Garden’s in your life! As spring prepares to come, and the birds will begin to fill the trees. The shrubs and trees will be full bloom and they will begin to produce their first fruits, and the call of the garden can be heard, “feed me, weed me, water me!” Yes, they are thirsty, hungry, looking for someone to care, plant and water them. Like many, I so prepare for what the Lord has for … Read More

Pastor’s, You Matter to ME! – Pastor V.

Veronica D.Uncategorized1 Comment

“But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” ~2 Corinthians 12:9 As Pastor we are meant to be leaders for the church, we are seen as the backbone of church ministry, and a paragon of biblical truth. But what if this isn’t meant to be? Pastors are … Read More


Veronica D.Uncategorized3 Comments

I pray it helps someone: “The works of His hands are faithful and just; all His precepts are trustworthy.” Psalm 111:7 (NIV) I was in my office, and while I was studying the word “renovation” came to my mind. I began to reflect when my home was renovated, and began to think when there is a renovation, wires, pipes, support beams are all exposed. Insulation, it all stands out, so very vulnerable and exposed. As I reflected, … Read More

From Dirt To The Garden.

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Someone asked me this morning, “Pastor, why are you so passionate about mental-illness and inner healing, why was the Garden created?” I began to reflect on this question, and as I did, I began to share with her my answer, and I pray that this helps someone. As a Christian, who has fought her own battle with mental illness, I’ve always been frustrated by one message I consistently heard: Mental illness makes you “a bad Christian.” Growing … Read More

I am the RAM!

Veronica D.UncategorizedLeave a Comment

I am not sure if you have ever been waiting for anything, but while waiting for the promise I have endured the pruning and burning away process. I came to realize that it was necessary to prepare me to manage the blessing I was waiting for. I want to encourage you and remind you that the storms will come, and at times it will bring heavy rains and winds. But stand on – Hold Fast in the face … Read More

Be Encouraged When Faced With Tribulations!

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One of the things I have learned over the years is that not everyone close to you will always be rooting for you. It’s a sad truth not everyone who stood next to me in a prayer circle was actually in agreement with my request. How did I learn to overcome this? What did I do to keep my faith and my hopes up even though it seemed like everyone around me was full of doubt? John … Read More