Dear Warrior

adminDepression, Faith, Hope, R|E|A|L, Trauma, WomenLeave a Comment

I wanted to share with you that you are chosen to win, you are not forgotten and are not disqualified!

If most of us are honest, we have felt like we have been forgotten, whether by a family member, a friend or by God. I know I have felt these feelings in different seasons of my life. The feeling of, I am unable to do anything right or I am new at this, or maybe it would just be better if someone else was chosen to do this or that. But the truth is God would not put us in a battle that we cannot overcome. The main reason is because He fights the battle for us. I want to encourage you to begin looking at the struggles in your life as battles that God has chosen you to fight and that you will win because He is fighting them for you. He has not forgotten about you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” What does He mean by the phrase, “be strong and courageous?” To be strong is to withstand the pressure of the battles we are facing. Learning how to resist the temptation to give up and survive during them. To be courageous is to be fearless. God is calling us to stand up against the odds and be unafraid. The ultimate war has already been won, because our Savior Jesus Christ who also is The Warrior of all warriors claimed victory for the Kingdom of God, when He died on the cross. That death was for you and it was for me. What’s even better news is the fact that He arose on the third day. He is now seated at the right hand of God and continues to make intercession for us. You see, regardless of what the fight looks like, He won so we win!!! We learn from Jesus that the battle may look bleak, the odds may be against you but with Him, you win!!! If you received what He did on the cross, you are victorious in Him. Being connected to the High Priest that is now in Heaven,you walk through the battle, you use the weapon He gave you (His Word) to fight the battle but the war has been won. Like me, maybe you have experienced the weight of the battle and may have even found yourself discouraged, heavy in spirit or tired. This happens because our vision can become blurry during the fight. This is no different from a boxer. The boxer in the ring becomes weary as the rounds progress. I notice I can go to work tired and come home tired. I can go to bed tired and wake up tired. This is because of the impact a battle or series of battles can have.

Romans 8:11 says, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He Who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit dwells in you.” Jesus got up from the battleground, Victorious. He got up because the Holy Spirit who was in the battle with Him, dwelled in Him. The Holy Spirit holds the resurrecting power that raised Jesus. When you receive Him, you have the same power. The Lord is saying, He got up so you can get up. Despite the pain and the hurt, you can get up and you can stay up. Let’s get up!

Every warrior gets up. I believe you are a warrior, so this means you have the power to do so too. Just like Jesus. Just like me. You are a warrior for God’s Kingdom and as part of His army, the mission is to bring Heaven on earth. Did you know just by you being here Heaven has already touched earth through you? Do you know why… It is because you were in Heaven first. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

To be chosen by God means you have been elected. You have been chosen to fight this battle because He resides within you. For us to believe He forgot us, is opposite of what His Word says. It is a lie!

We also have the tendency to disqualify ourselves. Thiscan happen before God tells and shows us our purpose. Our own insecurities and doubts along with our indecisiveness will cause us to be in a place of feeling defeated and disqualified. This is not the will of God for our lives. At times, we can be our worst enemy and work alongside our opponent. We need to learn how to oppose the opposition and work alongside God. Any time we walk in unbelief, it prevents us from fighting in truth, it only leads to deceitfulness.

As I have grown in my walk with God, I have learned the importance of fighting the battles I am called to fight by trusting God. I identify the victories and praise Him for them. 1 Timothy 6:12 says, “fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses.”

There were times in my life when I felt defeated and I did not believe I had the will or strength to go another round. There were times in my life that I was so depressed that my body ached and I was in so much agony. During these times, I would roll out of bed bed into the hallway, in tears, crying out to God In desperation. I would say, “I do not want to live anymore…” Only by pressing into His Truth and in faith were these battles won. Every lie has been dismantled and no longer has power over me. This was all possible, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Now I can say, “Lord, I did not think I was going to make it throughthe battle of depression, battle of sickness and the battle of the breakup.” I learned that love does not hurt, rejection does. Love gives and adds to your life. Lust takes and leaves you empty. My list of victories could go on and on… Yes, those victorious battles that I have fought and endured help me grow and continue to fight.

If you are currently in a battle and maybe you are in the last round. If that is the case, you are so close. You caneliminate one more lie with God’s Truth! If you are still living and breathing, you have purpose and a reason to keep fighting. Do not allow the battle you currently face to press you down to the point of crippling you. Arise in faith, knowing God has chosen you and He has not forgotten about you. You are an overcomer and He will see you to the end. Of it. I am praying for you and you are always on His Mind!

With love, support and encouragement,

Sister Jessica

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